Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summertimethe, the hot hot humid days

Hey.. Hey.. here we are, Summertime, the hot hot humid days...

Temperature is 81° F a.k.a. 27°C, the experiment to sleep early had collapsed and waking up without the help of alarm caused you fresh once you are woken up (because you are surprised what time is it) but bit tired later in the day (because the subconcious doesnt allow our body to go into the deep sleep), I really need further on this.

I havent completely made up my mind about the plans but now I got some hints on it, which I am going to pursue the Cooking Career of mine and to stay longer here, let see if I can work it out according to plan.

with the weather changing between sunny and rainy, molds easily grow, really have to take a good care of the stuff in this room, waiting for another 3 months to run out and gonna move somewhere else with better air-circulation. I discovered that most of Japanese are good designers for their own rooms, at least they are neat-type people.

or I havent really known enough Japs?

People come and go, friends don't. Till we meet again.

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