Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16th, 2008


This blog is created because I was inspired by the blog made by Jens Lekman who is a Swedish-born singer. You guys must listen to his art works which he blend into nice songs. Somehow the story behind the songs he sing are true stories about his personal life experience and I found it funny and amazingly creative. Even better, he got a special uniquely voice some sort like Morrisey or Bread (i guess?).

It's actually a friend of mine - Chika - who introduced me to his world and now we both are crazy about his
works -lol.
"Postcard to Nina" is the song who made me fall in love to his art-works for the first time.

FYI, this song always accompanies me every morning on my way to office and it helps to relieve me from the traffic in KL with those idiots who drive expensive, luxurious cars but don't really understand how to drive properly in the proper lane and when should or shouldn't hit the break.

Ooops, Boss calling me, be-right-back.