Thursday, June 11, 2009

can't say

can't say this...
can't say that...

Why would people always mind by other people critism or comment or opinion?
It is just a comment, if you think that what they said is true, then put your ear up and try to realize it, but if no then just ignore it.

People would love to have somebody perfect in their sight...Perfect is different in each person view.
I'm not saying that perfect is you have to be rich, pretty, sporty, religious, sexy and humorist
Sometimes perfect is simple in some people, we just want that somebody to be a 'perfect' one in our eyes, am i wrong or too selfish? I don't care...It's a right to be that way.

Everybody wants to spend their life time with somebody that is 'perfect' enough...
We can enjoy the time by spending it with the person that we are comfortable with, in other word is perfect...

So thank people if they are critizing you, giving you advice and comment, because maybe they are trying to make you a 'perfect' one in their eyes. Perhaps, they want to keep you forever in their lives...
As long as people care about you, they will never stop giving you advises, helps and comments, but if you still can't accept that than it is your problem or you might want to discuss it with them...